Slovenské klenoty UNESCO
Objavte skryté čaro nádherných slovenských pamiatok, ktoré sú natoľko cenné, že boli zapísané do Zoz...
Visit places of interest forever carved into the history of Slovakia
Can you name at least six landmarks or heritage sites from Slovakia, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List?
Discover the hidden charm of the beautiful landmarks and heritage sites of Slovakia, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, for the enjoyment of future generations.
Visit places of interest forever carved into the history of Slovakia. Be inspired by outstanding landmarks of natural beauty. Learn about the intangible heritage of Slovakia included on the UNESCO List. Finally, read in this book about tips for visiting equally picturesque and attractive landmarks and heritage sites, nominated for inscription on the UNESCO List.
In this guide you will find:
* a great deal of interesting data
on the UNESCO jewels of Slovakia,
* the historical context,
* information about visitor facilities,
* beautiful colour photographs.
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